Short list of Values

This page is a resource for my  ebook Values – A workbook for clarifying and articulating your personal core values which is about the importance of exploring and articulating your personal values.

It also clarifies the confusion around what values are versus beliefs and attitudes and use examples to illustrate the different concepts.

Most importantly for you my ebook includes a simple but very effective method for exploring and articulating your core values. If you wonder what the value if that is it’s because you haven’t read my ebook, yet…

Get my book here.


Short list of Values

If you’re not comfortable enough with English to associate meaning to these words use Google Translate or similar.

This list is short and sweet but if it feels incomplete you may want to use this longer list of values.

Abundance Fairness Order
Acceptance Faith Passion
Achievement Family Peace
Authenticity Fitness Perseverance
Balance Freedom Quality
Bravery Friendship Respect for others
Care for others Fun Responsibility
Commitment Generosity Security
Competence Gratitude Self Respect
Contention Harmony Self-Control
Cooperation Honesty Serenity
Courage Humor Service to others
Creativity Independence Simplicity
Dependability Innovation Spirituality
Discipline Joy Stability
Diversity Kindness Success
Effectiveness Knowledge Teamwork
Empathy Love Well-being
Equality Loyalty Winning
Excellence Openness Wisdom